Serve your web apps for production with one serve, after you've successfully run one build.
It takes the following arguments:
--host# string, set the hostname to bind to
--port# string, set the port to bind to
--platform# node | vercel, instructs Hono server to use adapter
--compress# boolean, enable gzip compression, defaults to true
--cacheHeaders# boolean, sets no-cache headers, defaults to true
One comes with a serve command that is powered by Hono.
The compress flag is default on and uses compress.
If cacheHeaders is not set to false, it will set this by default:
This is mostly because Safari can aggressively cache things, even with query strings. We highly recommend using a CDN for your static assets, but you can set this to false or use the plugin to hook into server.beforeStart and set your own Cache-Control headers.