Render this component to show a loading progress bar at the top of the browser frame while pages are loading. This is a web-only component and should be rendered in your root _layout.tsx file.
export type LoadProgressBarProps = {
/** How long after a navigation to wait before showing the progress bar (in ms) */
startDelay?: number
/** How long after a navigation completes to wait before hiding the progress bar (in ms) */
finishDelay?: number
/** The starting percent it should show the loading state at */
initialPercent?: number
/** How often the progress bar should update (in ms) */
updateInterval?: number
/** How often to skip an update (checked each during the loop) */
sporadicness?: number
/** Pass style to the inner View */
style?: ViewProps['style']
/** Pass onLayout to the inner View */
onLayout?: ViewProps['onLayout']
/** Pass children to the inner View */
children?: ViewProps['children']